There are 5
tabs on Eraser
Settings screen: Browsers, Outlook, Windows, Applications
, and Custom Items.
Choose which browsers
items to be erased, Tracks Eraser Pro can erase the history tracks of
Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL, MSN, Opera, and Mozilla, other browsers
are supported by using available plugins.
History The websites you have visited are shown, you can click Options
to select which one you want to keep
Cookies Web
sites send small text files to your browser to keep track of
your on-line sessions. They are particularly useful when you
want a website to auto-sign you into a registration process.
However web sites also use cookies to track you through the
site. With Tracks Eraser , you can select which cookies you
want to erase and which one you want to keep.
Cache (Temporary
Internet Files) Browser
saves web pages, and images from visited websites to your hard
drive whether you click on them or not, so that you don't have
to wait for the image to download again. But this means that many megabytes of data of all types get saved to
your hard drive. Anyone who can use your computer can tell from these
files what you have seen while surfing.
Internet History
Which keeps an index of the visited web pages
Memory Which stores a record of almost everything that you
typed into any web site form. Form data can be things such as
all the keywords you have ever typed into a search engine or
personal information such as your name and address
If you log in as a limited user account on Windows 2000 or
Windows XP, please click the Option button on the right of
this item and check the "Using Internet Options to erase
Autocomplete histpory"
IE Plugins The
Browser Plug-Ins use to provide some functions that the
browser can not provide, for example, some chat room and
games may use plug-ins to accomplish special functions
Stores information about what web sites you have visited and
what cookies have been saved. The index.dat files are always
locked by system and can not be deleted. Tracks Eraser Pro
overwrite these index.dat files with blank characters, others can
see nothing useful form these files after erasing.
Netscape Settings Tracks
Eraser supports all versions of Netscape. It can auto-detect
the Netscape version higher than 6.0. For Netscape version lower
than 6.0 , if you changed the default directory setting, you
should click on the Netscape Directory button to select
the directory you installed Netscape to.
Browsers Tracks Eraser Pro also supports other browsers
including all versions of MSN browser, Opera, AOL, Mozilla.
You can select which mailbox and newsgroup of
Outlook Express you
want to erase.
Choose which Windows
items to be erased
Recent Document
lists the last 15 document files that
you have accessed, allowing any of these documents to be
reopened simply by clicking on the name of the document.
Start Menu Search
History Windows saves the files, text or computers you
have ever searched.
Start Menu Start
History Windows stores all the programs
you have ever run in the start menu run text box or just on
the start menu (Windows XP).
Windows Temp
Folder Windows and most other applications saves their temp files to this folder, it will
take a large amount of disk space if you don't clean it
Open/Save Dialog
Box History Windows records the
filenames that you opened and saved in the system registry.
Clipboard Windows Clipboard saves
the info you copied.
Hard Disk Free Space Clean the free
space of hard disk. even you can not see them, the deleted
files( not deleted by Tracks Eraser Pro with Secure Erasing
enabling) are still on your hard disk, others can recover them
using some recovery software. Tracks Eraser Pro
overwrites the free space so that the deleted can not be
Notes: This function only work when you click the Erase
Now button, it will not clean free space on Schedule mode even
you check this item.
Select, download, and import the free plugins for Tracks Eraser
Pro. with plugins, you can erase the tracks of many popular
applications/programs, Some 100 or more plugins are now available for downloading,
For example, Office, Widows Mediaplayer, RealOne, Acrobat,
Winzip, and ICQ, etc.
Refresh After
you copy a plugin file from the plugin folder of Track Eraser
Pro, click this to show it on the plugin list
Delete Deletes
the plugin, this will delete the plugin file, if you want to
use it again, please download and import again.
Plugin Info Shows
the plugin information, such as what the plugin will erase or
Import Plugin Imports
the plugin after downloading, clicking this will show a dialog
box to let you find the plugin file you have downloaded,
clicking OK will import the plugin to the Application
Plugin List
Download Plugin Clicking
this will launch your browser and link to the plugin download
page of our website, where you can choose the plugin(s) you want or need to download.
here to download Plugin Page
It's recommended that you often check this plugins page,
because we are adding plugins for all kinds of
applications/programs nearly every week.
If you have an application we do not yet support, please tell
us at,
we will try to support it soon.
addition, we provide a free Tracks
Eraser Plugin Maker to allow
you to make the plugin
yourself. You will need to be an advanced user with a
high degree of knowledge
about the program from which you want to erase tracks.
If you make a plugin and want to share it with others, please
email your plugin to us
We will list it on our website and allow others download it for
Custom Items allows you
to add, edit or customize an Item that you can
use to erase files,
folder sor registry entries.
Refresh Click
this if you have copied the Custom Item file into the Custom
Item Folder
Add Adds the
Custom Item
Edit Click the
Custom Item on Custom Items List and click this button to edit
the Custom Item, the process for editing is the same as adding.
Delete Delete
the Custom Item, this will delete the Custom Item file.
Info Shows the
information about Custom Item
IMPORTANT: You must be an advanced user and know MUCH about what you are
going to erase. If you erase the files or registry entries which are
required by other programs or by Windows, those programs or Windows may be
Load Tracks Eraser
When Windows Startup Checking this will let Tracks
Eraser load automatically every time when Windows startup,
after it starts, you can see a Tracks Eraser icon on the
system tray, click the icon will show the Tracks Eraser
Run In Stealth
Mode If this is checked, Tracks Eraser will operate in an
invisible mode, this will not show an icon on the system tray
. In Stealth Mode, it can run Auto-erasing in the background
quietly. You can press ALT+A to show/hide Tracks
Eraser. you can change the hotkey.
Enable Boss Key If
this is checked, you can press ALT+SPACE to hide/unhide
the browsers, you can hide the browser windows when your boss
(or anyone else you don't want to see your screen) comes in.
you can change the hotkey to you want. you can click the Options
button to select which programs you want to hide when
pressing the bosskey.
Remove Unread Email Count from the Windows XP Login Screen
Enabling this will hide the unread email count on the Windows
XP Login Screen.
Don't display Last User Name From the Login Screen
If you log in Windows with an user account, when you log
in next time, Windows will display the last user name you log
in, checking this disable this feature of windows
Clear Windows Paging File at Shutdown
Checking this will clear the Windows paging file (Pagefile.sys) during the shutdown process, so that no unsecured data is contained in the paging file when the shutdown process is complete.
You can schedule your
erasing by the events like
Windows Startup
Check this will run erasing every times Windows startup
Windows Shutdown If
this is checked, once it detects that the Windows is shutting
down, it will run erasing.
IE Shutdown If
this is checked, once it detects that the Internet Explorer
shuts down,
it will run erasing
ou can also schedule your erasing by the Interval you set, you can
select to run erasing every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, daily,
weekly or monthly.
Enable Secure
Erasing Checking this will enable Tracks Eraser Pro to erase
the tracks by overwriting the file(s) a specified number of
times (you choose) with blank characters , which can prevent
others from recovering or undeleting your files using
recovery/undelete tools.
Overwrite Files Set the number of times that the file is to be
Log Options Select
how to Clear Log file.
Note: The
more times you set to overwrite the file, the more time it will
take to erase the tracks. Usually, the default 3 times is enough.
Tracks Eraser Pro
implements the Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing
standard DOD 5220.22-M, which gives you confidence that once
deleted with Tracks Eraser Pro, your file data is gone forever and
can not be recovered.
Homepage Protection
Prevent Home Page
From Being Changed By Website Checking this feature will
enable Tracks Eraser to monitor your homepage settings. If
another web site attempts to change your homepage, it will
prompt you first to agree/disagree to the change.
Reset Homepage You
can use this to reset the homepage to what you want.
Reset Window You
can use this to reset the IE Window Title to what you want.
Notes: Some malicious
websites change your default browser homepage, or set your browser
to automatically open their website on reboot. You can use this
feature to avoid this from happening.
With Log
Manager , you can view, save or clear the log file.